Okey mommies and daddies, cool aunties and uncles, now you can make your babies/nephews/nieces look good and cool like you. Please browse the designs while i get other things done. Let me know your feedback on the designs only..Other details like sizes, materials, prices etc. will be updated very2 soon, i promise. If you have any request of your other favourite bands, lemme know, i'll see what i can do ok..
So, which one is your favourite? :)
wow...weee...mama, i want that one!....any smashing pumpkins(sp) zero headed for order?heheheh
i would love to have one...to give it to my COOL baby...but i can bring my own design rite? can it be coloured? well atie..good job!!i will definitely be one of yr loyal fan..ahaqs..but i'm soooo jealous dat u have ur blog now!!!arghhhhh..okay i'll stat soon..very soon..BEWARE!! you'll be my loyal readers soon..hehehehe
smashing pumpkin?? hmm i'll think bout it :)
i want black sabbath and i want it NOWWWWW!!!!!
ok..the doors,the cure..dinosaur jr..
arhhhh...tapi,nanti ramai sangat gadis pakai baju camtu kang tak rare lak??
godamnit! berikan aku sonic youth itu!
i nak semua!!! i nak semua!!!!!!
(too exciteed mommy-to-be)
Saya mau Gwen Stefani. Saya mau itu. Boleh kah? Gwen is hot hot hot hotnessssss!
to j or ji - black sabbath?? on way, cure also on d way. yg lelain tu nanti difikirkan. Eh make sure beli tau!! :)
to hasleena - yes, tolong beli semua. Wajib!
to jerra - Gwen?? hmm mcm tak cukup rock je..ehehhehe
rolling stones juga!!
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